Business Success - 6 week Program

6 Week Program for business in disability sector.
Over the 6 weeks we cover different topics in sessions via video, online content and resources.

Topics we are covering in weekly Live sessions

* Business  Foundations
* Legislation and how it applies to your business
* How review your policies and procedures - importance of keeping them up to date.
* Accounting for your business.
* Growing your business 
* Incidents and Risk assessments
* NDIS registration 
* Code of Conduct and Duty of Care 
We will also cover any changes that are released during the time of the program.

We will provide you with a certificate of completion at the end.
Access to the online content is 10 weeks from the time.


Online content and Live Video sessions

Starting date

20th February 2024


10 Weeks


All business in disability


6 weekly sessions


$330 includes GST
Payment plan is available

Why should I take this program?

Business success

Grow Your business


When you start a business it is important to understand the compliance requirements this program covers that
We will take you through strategies to grow your business
We provide you with resources and a certificate of completion at the end

Meet the instructor

Wesley Jordan

Sales Manager
Wesley Jordan is a Sales Manager and Business Consultant since 2002. He enjoys teaching all levels and all ages. He looks forward to sharing his love of building meaningful and effective content with all students to develop their marketing abilities.
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